Episode Title: Uncover Messaging Problems

Using Numbers To Uncover Messaging Problems

Students often ask me to help them with their messaging on an opt-in page, and when I ask what it’s converting at, they say 40%. My response? Nope, that opt-in page does not need help. Uncovering what’s working with your messaging and what’s not is HUGE in your business. Because otherwise, you’re wasting time and

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Episode Title: The Art Of Teaching With Story, Metaphors, and Examples

The Art Of Teaching With Story, Metaphors, and Examples

You’ve heard me talk about educational content quite a bit and how it shouldn’t be 100% of the content you put out there. But it does play an important role in your messaging when you do need to teach, like in webinars or a percentage of your social media content. For my students, many get

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Episode Title: Mastery: The Secret Ingredient To My First Million Dollar Year

Mastery: The Secret Ingredient To My First Million-Dollar Year

If you feel like results aren’t coming fast enough, you’re missing something and doing all the right steps, other people are saying the same thing as you and getting better results, and you’ve been teaching things you know can help people, then this episode is for you! I’m discussing a messaging tool I don’t cover

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Episode Title: 5 Ways To Understand Your Audiences' Thinking Better

5 Ways To Understand Your Audiences’ Thinking Better

The better you communicate, the stronger your messaging will be, and, more importantly, the better your relationships will be in life. I believe this to my core. The more I’ve worked on communication, the stronger my relationships have become with my wife, my parents, my friends, my coworkers, and so on! My students share the

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Episode Title: Awareness: The Hidden Secret To Messaging and Life

Awareness: The Hidden Secret To Messaging and Life

When it comes to marketing and how to sell more, how to create more engaging content, and how to write better copy one vital piece people often miss (and I’m seeing it now more than ever) is AWARENESS. It’s one of the most powerful tools when it comes to effective messaging, and in this episode,

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Episode Title: How To Integrate Messaging In YOUR Specific Business Successfully

How To Integrate Messaging In YOUR Specific Business Successfully

We just wrapped up one of the most EPIC 3-day Master Your Profitable Messaging trainings we’ve ever done. Over 600 people posted about their breakthroughs in the group, and there are more coming in! I love seeing all these wins come through, and I want to bring you even more wins (no strings attached). So,

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Episode Title: The Most Powerful Communication Elements - Part 1: Content

Part 1: Content – The Most Powerful Communication Elements

There’s a lot that fits under the umbrella of “messaging.” You have content, copy, ads, emails, frameworks, funnels, and the list goes on. And while it can be easy to focus on one piece at a time, what really brings in sales is creating cohesive communication throughout your brand. Over the next few weeks, I’m

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Episode Title: Having a Unique Product Doesn’t Mean Sales But This Does

Having a Unique Product Doesn’t Mean Sales But This Does

Having a unique (breakthrough) product does NOT equal sales. And yet, I hear it all the time from marketing gurus, “You have to be unique in order to stand out.” While your uniqueness might help you gain attention, attention doesn’t necessarily mean sales. I’ve had many students come to me with thousands of followers and

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Episode Title: 4 Powerful Areas To "Let Go" Of In Order To Grow

4 Powerful Areas To “Let Go” Of In Order To Grow

When working on your business, many entrepreneurs focus on what needs to be done next. What new strategy should I try? What should I change? What’s the latest funnel hack? But sometimes, the MOST growth can come from letting go of something. Listen to one of our most powerful episodes on the New Generation Mastery

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Episode Title: The Art Of Diagnosing In Your Marketing And Messaging

The Art Of Diagnosing In Your Marketing And Messaging

What if every piece of content you produce had your ideal clients responding, “Yes, that’s me!” or “Woah, how are you inside my head?!”. Or, even better, “You spoke to my soul. I need whatever it is you’re selling.” With each post or ad, nearly automatically, they believe and trust you or your brand as

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Episode Title: Building Out A Profitable Team with Rachel Duffy

Building Out A Profitable Team with Rachel Duffy

Building a business also means building a team. And if you’re not careful (and you’re not building a team), you’re building a job not a business. So if you’re wondering how to piece it all together – growing a business and building an effective, happy team then this is the episode for you! Our COO,

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Episode Title: What Authentic Connection Really Is And How To Build It

What Authentic Connection Really Is And How To Build It

When it comes to messaging, there are 4 main areas I like to focus on: educational (what to do), thought reversal (shifting perspectives), self-identifying (so your audience is thinking, OMG, that’s me!), and the fourth and the most overlooked of them all is connection content. Ready to learn why and how to connect with your

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Episode Title: Grow With The Expansive Niching Process

Grow With The Expansive Niching Process

If you’re growing a business, then you’ve certainly heard of “niching down.” But most of the time, entrepreneurs will niche down to a small group of people. For example, a yoga teacher might niche down to women, and then women in their 40’s. They might even niche further, like women who are moms in their

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