Hosted By: Brandon Lucero

FREE PDF: Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours!

Get an instant and FULL ACCESS to our insider messaging frameworks that will turn your content into DM magnets getting people to ask how they can work with you.

Discover The 3 MESSAGING FRAMEWORKS That Generated Profitable DM's In 72 Hours!

Inside this short 14-page PDF, "The 72 Hour DM Revenue Generator" you'll have FULL ACCESS to our insider messaging frameworks that will turn your content into DM magnets getting people to ask how they can work with you.


You’re about to experience the new way to thrive in business, entrepreneurship, and life by leaning into who you are, what you love, and standing up for what you want to create. This is where we go against the grain, say “NO” to outdated society norms, and we say “YES!” to change in order to create a happier, more fulfilled world.

It All Starts Here

My proven methodology shifts how online content is created and distributed by changing beliefs, shifting perspectives, and the psychology of selling products online so you can move your audience into a buying state of mind while growing your brand.

This video is to remind you that I didn’t get to where I am today overnight, and it’s dedicated to the entrepreneurs who are willing to keep going so they can make their own impact!

Check Out The Latest Podcast EPISODES!

Part 1: Discovering The Gold Mine Of Engaging Topics – The Conversion Messaging Series

Welcome to the first episode in our new five-part series on conversion messaging! In this episode, I’ll explore how to …

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Major Marketing Mistakes #4 and #5: Marketing vs Offer and Paid Vs Organic? Let the Battle Begin!

To wrap up this series, I’m tackling TWO major marketing mistakes that can hinder your business growth and settling the …

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Major Marketing Mistake #3: Over Teaching on Webinars and How To Fix It!

Do you struggle with how much information to put in your webinar? Overteaching might be what’s hindering your engagement, show-up …

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Shift Persepectives



About Brandon.

Brandon is an online marketing expert, serial entrepreneur, and host of the New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast. He teaches entrepreneurs how to build a fulfilling and profitable business by helping them master their craft, remember who they are and use the psychology of selling for good.

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