Students often ask me to help them with their messaging on an opt-in page, and when I ask what it’s converting at, they say 40%. My response? Nope, that opt-in page does not need help. Uncovering what’s working with your messaging and what’s not is HUGE in your business. Because otherwise, you’re wasting time and energy on an opt-in page or sales page that’s converting well!
First, you need to know your numbers, and second, you need to know how to measure or read them. Done well, you can instantly tell where your messaging problem is, where the strategy or funnel issue is, and what’s working well. If you want to spend more time fixing what ACTUALLY needs fixing, then you’ll love this episode on the New Generation Entrepreneur podcast.
Listen in and discover how to identify your cost per lead and how to lower the cost, average conversion rates in a funnel and what to pay attention to, show up rates, what to expect, and how it fluctuates in a funnel, and how to identify problem areas, what’s causing the issue, and how to fix each one along the way. When you know what numbers to pay attention to, you’ll know how to fix issues more quickly and bring in more sales in the process.
Did you enjoy this episode? I’d love it if you’d share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero! Thank you for supporting the show.
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