Episode Title: My 3 Favorite Sales Techniques In Messaging

My 3 Favorite Sales Techniques In Messaging

It’s no secret that great messaging can create more engagement, better open rates, lower cost per lead on ads, and (ultimately) more sales! Because when your messaging is dialed in, it’s relevant and resonates. And this is most likely why you’re here– to improve your messaging, so I’m going to share a throwback episode to

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Episode Title: Feeling Fulfilled Everyday By Redefining Success

Feeling Fulfilled Everyday By Redefining Success

When I started my business, my success was tied to three-dimensional “rewards.” If I drove my own Jaguar, if I lived in my 5,000 square foot dream house, if I hit a million in sales… then I’d made it. The problem was, when I did get most of those things, I didn’t like who I

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Episode Title: Building A Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 3

Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand – Part 3

The third and final part of our series on building bridges is here and I can’t wait for you to hear it. Your messaging bridge is a crucial part of sales. Not only does it speak to your audience where they are, so it’s getting their attention, but most importantly, it’s helping sell before you

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Episode Title: Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 2

Building A Messaging Bridge To Create Demand – Part 2

In the last episode, we talked about bridges. Specifically, messaging bridges that help guide your audience from where they are to where you want them to be. It’s what really brings in sales! In this episode, I’m sharing behind-the-scenes coaching footage of me sitting down with two students and helping them create bridges for social

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Episode Title: Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand - Part 1

Building a Messaging Bridge To Create Demand – Part 1

I’ve never done this before on the podcast, but I’m sharing a literal training from inside our New Generation Mastery event we recently held. And it’s all about bridges – no, not the physical bridges across the water you travel over. This “bridge” helps guide your audience from where they are to where you want

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Episode Title: Are You Communicating From Problems or Solutions?

Are You Communicating From Problems or Solutions?

One of the biggest marketing mistakes I see entrepreneurs make is solely talking about solutions and avoiding the problems. Solutions sound great! They’re exciting and motivating, but if your audience can’t see themselves getting there, then they will not buy. But talking about their problems doesn’t have to mean “icky” sales messaging or digging into

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Episode Title: 6 Ways To Increase Back-End Sales and Follow-Ups

6 Ways To Increase Back-End Sales and Follow-Ups

There are a lot of different ways to make sales in your business. Most people focus on the front end and getting as many first-time buyers as possible, which every business needs, of course. But a common mistake I see happening is entrepreneurs creating more and more front-end offers. This can muddle your messaging and

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Episode Title: Journey Into the Life of Brandon Lucero With Rachel Duffy

Journey Into the Life of Brandon Lucero With Rachel Duffy

I can’t believe I’m announcing the 200th episode of our podcast – it blows my mind, and I’m so thankful for every single listener. And, as Rachel points out early in the interview, the New Generation Podcast has a global ranking of the top 1% of all podcasts across all categories. It’s unreal, and it’s

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Episode Title: 4 Powerful Areas To "Let Go" Of In Order To Grow

4 Powerful Areas To “Let Go” Of In Order To Grow

When working on your business, many entrepreneurs focus on what needs to be done next. What new strategy should I try? What should I change? What’s the latest funnel hack? But sometimes, the MOST growth can come from letting go of something. Listen to one of our most powerful episodes on the New Generation Mastery

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Episode Title: The Art Of Diagnosing In Your Marketing And Messaging

The Art Of Diagnosing In Your Marketing And Messaging

What if every piece of content you produce had your ideal clients responding, “Yes, that’s me!” or “Woah, how are you inside my head?!”. Or, even better, “You spoke to my soul. I need whatever it is you’re selling.” With each post or ad, nearly automatically, they believe and trust you or your brand as

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Episode Title: Building Out A Profitable Team with Rachel Duffy

Building Out A Profitable Team with Rachel Duffy

Building a business also means building a team. And if you’re not careful (and you’re not building a team), you’re building a job not a business. So if you’re wondering how to piece it all together – growing a business and building an effective, happy team then this is the episode for you! Our COO,

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Episode Title: What Authentic Connection Really Is And How To Build It

What Authentic Connection Really Is And How To Build It

When it comes to messaging, there are 4 main areas I like to focus on: educational (what to do), thought reversal (shifting perspectives), self-identifying (so your audience is thinking, OMG, that’s me!), and the fourth and the most overlooked of them all is connection content. Ready to learn why and how to connect with your

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Episode Title: Grow With The Expansive Niching Process

Grow With The Expansive Niching Process

If you’re growing a business, then you’ve certainly heard of “niching down.” But most of the time, entrepreneurs will niche down to a small group of people. For example, a yoga teacher might niche down to women, and then women in their 40’s. They might even niche further, like women who are moms in their

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