How To Run Ads For Successful Evergreen Funnels with Terrell Brown

Facebook ads are the quickest way to drive more leads and sales for your business, but the ads for your launches are wildly different from those you’ll run for evergreen funnels. In fact, you’ll hear many arguments online over which is better… launches or evergreen funnels. Honestly, both work! Personally, I like having both evergreen

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Episode Title: Having a Unique Product Doesn’t Mean Sales But This Does

Having a Unique Product Doesn’t Mean Sales But This Does

Having a unique (breakthrough) product does NOT equal sales. And yet, I hear it all the time from marketing gurus, “You have to be unique in order to stand out.” While your uniqueness might help you gain attention, attention doesn’t necessarily mean sales. I’ve had many students come to me with thousands of followers and

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Episode Title: 6 Ways To Increase Back-End Sales and Follow-Ups

6 Ways To Increase Back-End Sales and Follow-Ups

There are a lot of different ways to make sales in your business. Most people focus on the front end and getting as many first-time buyers as possible, which every business needs, of course. But a common mistake I see happening is entrepreneurs creating more and more front-end offers. This can muddle your messaging and

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Major Marketing Mistake #3: Over Teaching on Webinars and How To Fix It!

Do you struggle with how much information to put in your webinar? Overteaching might be what’s hindering your engagement, show-up rates, and sales. Instead of overloading your audience with information, you need to build trust and connection. Listen in a disover how to teach relevant concepts and back them up with stories and analogies, way

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Major Marketing Mistake #2: Evergreen vs Launching

I often hear people debating and even battling about evergreen sales versus launch sales, with proponents of each side bashing the other. Today, I’m ending that debate by sharing my experiences and insights from using both models over the past two years in our business. Listen in and discover the pros and cons of each strategy

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